Sonoma County Arson Investigators Task Force – FIRE INVESTIGATION 1A

 What to Expect: This course is based on NFPA 1033: Standardsfor Professional Qualifications for Fire Investigator. This coursetargets Fire Investigators, Police Officers, and Company Officerswith a desire to learn more about determining the origin andcause of the fire. Students wishing to attend this course shouldbe prepared for an intense week of training and practical skillsapplication. Topics covered include: Determining the Point ofOrigin, Burn Patterns, Evidence Collection and Analysis,Interviewing Techniques and Court Procedure and Testifying.

What to Bring: Laptop with Microsoft Office or Equivalent anda copy of NFPA 921. There will be one live burn day for thisclass. For the burn day please bring anything you would need toconduct a fire investigation, from PPE, tools, flashlight, cameras,dust mask or half mask respiratory protection, paper, evidencecollection etc. Also, bring a chair and water to stay hydrated. 

DATE: April 18-22, 2022

TIME: 0800-1700 hours

PRICE: $435 per student

REQUIRED BOOK: Jones & Bartlett: Fire Investigator: Principles and Practice to NFPA 921 and1033, 5th edition.

The class is $435.00 per student – required book is NOT included with registration. 

Class is limited to 40 students, so sign up early to secure a spot. Sonoma County Task ForceMembers will have priority. 

Note: If you would like to view the flyer and or mail your payment, DOWNLOAD FLYER

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