This class was originally designed as part of the State Fire Marshal certified training classes (Fire Prevention 2B) for fire prevention officers. The class will review historical incidents and provide an understanding of the purpose of the CBC and the general and specific goals that the CBC is attempting to achieve. The class will provide a good understanding of the regulatory authority of both the CBC and CFC, applicability of the codes with regard to state and local jurisdictions. This class will delve into basic code philosophy and specific design criteria for all occupancies. This class provides detailed instruction on a complete building code analysis. Further instruction is provided for requirements with regard to means of egress, fire resistive construction, and updated Wildland Urban Interface requirements
DATE: September 4, 5, 12, 18 & 19TH
TIME: 0830 – 1700 Hours
COST: $375.00
COST: $325.00 for AIA members
35 CE Hours granted by AIA for Licensed Architects
Dixon Fire Department
205 Ford Way
Dixon, CA 95620
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