4.25 Car Stacking/Lift Systems
Reference: 2016 NFPA 13 Section 5.4.2, A5.4.2(9), & 11.1.2(1); 2019 San Francisco Fire Code, Sections 105.7.26, 903.3.1.1 & 903.3.5.
Purpose: Provide additional SFFD guidelines for sprinkler protection of car stackers not specifically addressed in 2016 NFPA 13.The sprinkler design criteria for car stackers/lift systems must extend 15 feet into adjacent areas that do not contain car stackers/lift systems.
Parking garage areas containing Car Stackers / lift systems with a single lift platform shall be protected by an automatic wet-pipe sprinkler system designed to Extra Hazard (Group 2) for a maximum of two cars stacked vertically in the same location. In addition, non-extended coverage standard-response sidewall sprinklers listed for Ordinary Hazard shall be acceptable for use under the lift platform. Each sidewall sprinkler shall cover an area of 80 square feet or less. The hydraulic calculation design criteria shall include all ceiling-level sprinklers within a minimum 2,500 sf area of sprinkler operation, or the maximum area containing car stackers/lift systems extending 15 feet into adjacent areas that do not contain car stackers/lift systems. Sidewall sprinklers under the lift platforms are not required to be included in the area of sprinkler operation.
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