Full Day Seminar
Classes are held in Petaluma, Santa Cruz and Pleasanton. October 18-20TH
Colorado Regional Manager and Education Director for Shums Coda Associates.
Mr. Thomas has over forty years’ experience in working with building codes including plan reviews, inspections and administration. His firm provides building code consulting services for governmental agencies and architectural firms, as well as educational seminars on building codes across the country. Working for a building code-consulting firm since 1999, he has served as the contract Building Official for different local jurisdictions in Colorado. Mr. Thomas has served on several ICBO and ICC committees including serving as a member and then Chairman of the ICC Means of Egress Code Development Committee. He was named an honorary member of ICC in 2021. He is also the author of the book, Building Code Basics, based on the 2009 & 2012 IBC and Building Code Essentials based on the 2015 & 2018 IBC, both available from ICC. He and his previous firm, Colorado Code Consulting were awarded the Educator of the Year Award by the ICC in 2018. He has presented building code classes for the last 35 years and provides an interesting and engaging look at building codes.